Thursday, 13 August 2015

AIX FAQs - part4

Q.1 How will you change bootlist for PCI & classical system ?

Ans. # bootlist -m normal hdisk1 hdisk0

On some PCI systems (like 43p) bootlist cannot be changed using the bootlist command. For such systems , we have to change the bootlist using System Management Services (SMS) menu by pressing F5/F6 key at the time of system boot.

Q.2 How do you start & stop a subsystem & susbsystem group like inetd and tcpip.

Ans. # startsrc -g tcpip        --> for starting a group of services
# startsrc -s inetd   --> for starting a single service.

Q.3 What are the packages to be installed for man pages & networking?

Ans. and

Q.4 How do you remove an installed package?

Ans. # installp –u –f listfile

Q.5 What is the use of mkszfile?

Ans. Saves the system state for reinstallation on the current system or another system.  The mkszfile command overwrites an existing / file with new information.

Q.6 Write down the command for checking bootlog?

Ans. # alog -o -t boot

Q.7 How do you change the run level form single user mode to multiuser mode?

Ans. # telinit 2

Q.8 Write down the command syntax for listing all supported and customized devices?

Ans. $ lsdev -C –H --> lists all customized devices with header
$ lsdev -P –H --> lists all supported devices.

Q9. Write the command for checking the amount of memory for PCI and CLASSICAL RS6000?

Ans. $ lsattr -E -l mem0   , lsattr –El Sys0 –a realmem

Q.10 Write the command for changing maximum number of user process from 40 to 80?
Ans. # chdev  -l sys0 -a maxuproc=80

Q.11 How do you configure a defined device?

Ans. # mkdev -l devname

Q.12 Write down the command for disabling tty0?

Ans. #  chdev –l ‘tty0’ –a login=’disable’

Q.13 Can one printer belongs to multiple queues? If yes then when do you use this and if no why it's not possible?

Ans. Yes .
We use this when the same printer is used under different emulation like – post script , PCL emulation ,ASCII , etc. We can add different queues for different emulation.

Q.14 Can you configure a queue to multiple printers (y/n)?If yes then write the print command to a queue on a specific printer? If no write down the reason.

Ans. Yes
$ lpr –P lp0:<queuename> <filename>

Q.15 What is the command syntax for testing queue status?

Ans. $ lpstat –t

Q.16 Where does the information about queues and printer stored?

Ans. /etc/qconfig

Q.17 Write down the command syntax for changing the priorities of a print job?

Ans. # qpri  - # JobNumber -a PriorityNumber

The job number and priority number can be obtained by running the lpstat –t command. The priority can only be changed by printer administrator or system administrator.

Q.18 Write down commands syntax for listing all VG and content of a single vg?

Ans. $ lsvg --> lists all volume groups.
$ lsvg –o --> lists only active volume groups.

$ lsvg <VGname> --> displays characteristics of volume group.
$ lsvg –l <VGname> --> logical volumes
$ lsvg –p <VGname> --> physical volumes

Q.19 Write down the command to find out which PV belongs to which VG?

Ans. $ lspv

Q.20 Write down command for making a volume group ?

Ans. # mkvg –y <VGname> Physical volume names

-B flag may be used for creating big volume group ( maxpvs. 128)
-t <factor> is used for specifying the PP size.

Q.21 What is the command for synchronizing a logical volume copy (mirror)?

Ans. # syncvg <name>

name could be volume group name , physical volume name or logical volume name.

Q.22 Write down the command for turning off a mirroring of a logical volume ?

Ans. # rmlvcopy <LVname> <no. of copies left>

Q.23 Can you define different Quotas on different filesystems for a single user?

Ans. Yes.

  Q:--What is DRM? & Why DRM? (Disaster recovery management)

in terms of  tsm drm is a restore recovery  manager. Its use to recover the tsm server after crash. It is a feature of IBM tsm extended addition. it autobates the prosess of the recvery from disastar its provide off site media management , autobatacete restore of the tsm server and manage client recovery.

Q:--Steps in DRM? Explain each state?

Register the drm license
      Reg lic file = drm.lic
     Define backup copy pool
    Def stg ltocopystg  ltoclass pool type =copy access=read write colloc=no reclaim=100 maxscrach=10 resusedealy=14

Drm setting
  Make directory c:\drm\plan and c:\drm\instraction
Set drmplanprefix c:\drm\plan\random  (where recovery plan stored)
Set drm plan vpostfix @ ( add name of dr volume with @to recognize easily)
Set drm primstgpool diskpool , lto stg.
Set drmcopystg lto copystg

Q drmstatus ( to checkdrm parameter)

Default dbbackup series and recovery plan files expiration is 60 days)

Q:-- Tell me the process the moving the tape from mountable state to vault state?

Q:-- How you will define library? Explain step by step in command line?
1 to view the hardware address by
2 c:\program files \ Tivoli\tsm\console\ tsmdlist >devlist.txt
3 notepad devlist.txt
4 def  library lib_name  libtype=scsi
5 def  path server1 lib_name srctype=server desttype=library device=lb3.0.0.0 (lb3.scsiid.lun .bus.port.)
6 def drive lib_name tap01 elem=autodetect
7 def path server1 tap01 srctype=server desttype=drive library=lib_name device=mt3.0.0.0
8 run
  audit library command  and check the activity  log to ensure you were succfull.


Q: -- What is the last parameter in define path?
     Device=(lb3.scsiid.lun .bus. port.)
Q: -- Tell me the device name for library in TSM on AIX?

Q: -- Tell me full syntax for define device class LTO?
   Def devc devclass_name   devtype=3570 format=drive/3570 estcapacity=size.

Q: -- What us policy management cycle? Explain?

Q:- Full syntax for copy group? And explain the define copy group step by step?

 DEF copygroup domain policy set mgmtclass   standard type=backup destt=pool name verexits=2 verdeleted=1 ret extra=30 ret only=60 mode=modified /absolute  serlizasition=statices/dayanmic.

Q:-- Difference between backup and archive?
Backup – it is take a fullback up of client data at first time and next it will take a data incremental backup data life is only max 60 days
Archive:   - is take full backup every time of client data its data life is 365 days it is use to save a data for long peradia.

Q:--Defaults retention period for archive?
365 DAYS

Difference between active and validate policy set?

Explain policy management class step by step in command line?
define mgmtclass prog1 summer mclass1
 spacemgtechnique=automatic migdestination=smpool
 description="technical support mgmt class"
What is include and exclude list?

Q.1 How to go to parent directory ?
 Ans. $ cd ..

Q.2. How to execute .profile without logging in again ?
Ans. $ sh .profile

 Q.3. How to debug shell script ?
Ans. $ sh -x shellfile.

Q. 4. What is first line in shell script
Ans.    #!/usr/bin/ksh              - path to the shell but no comments. ! is important.

Q. 5. If you are not able to telnet what are the possible reasons and how to diagnose it ?
Ans. The possible reasons are:
1. Network connection not through.
2. Wrong IP address.
3. Client not in the same network.
4. Telnet disabled on the server.
The problem could be diagnosed using 1.) ping  2.) ifconfig  3.) netstat –v 4.) traceroute

Q.6. What is the entry in resolv.conf for DNS client ?.

Ans.    domain
    nameserver IP.ADDRESS.OF.SERVER  
Q.7. How to extend lv ?
Ans. # extendlv <lvname> <no.of_LPs>  <PVname>
Q.8. What is echo $$ ?

Ans.    Returns current shell’s PID
Q.9. How to unmount a filesystem and if it is not able to unmount what are the steps ?
Ans. # umount <filesystem>

Q.10. How to take the backup of a dump?
Ans. # snap -a -o <device>    
-a Gathers all system configuration information. This option requires approximately 8MB of temporary disk space.
-o OutputDevice Copies the compressed image onto diskette or tape.
Q.11. How to extend the File systems size ?
Ans. #  chfs -a size=Newsize  filesystem

-a size=NewSize   Specifies the size of the Enhanced Journaled File System in 512-byte blocks. If Value begins with a +, it is interpreted as a request to increase the file system size by the specified amount.

Q.12. How to see the routing table ?
Ans. $ netstat –rn

-n Shows network addresses as numbers.
-r Shows the routing tables
Q.13. How to see the arp cache ?
Ans. $ arp -a

Q.14. What are the daemons for NFS Primary server ?

Ans. nfsd,  rpc.statd, rpc.lockd, portmap
Q.15. What are the daemons for NIS ?

Ans. ypbind, ypserv, yppasswd, portmap

Q.16. How to access the NFS mounted File System ?
Ans. Just go to the Directory or Access the directory under the filesystem

Q.17. What is automount ?  ( explain briefly )

Ans. a) Used for automatic and transparent mounting and unmounting of NFS File systems.
b) Based on AutoFS facility.
c) Uses automounter map files to find the mount directories and mount arguments. Map can be text files or NIS maps.
d) automount command
e) automountd daemon
f) Client-side server

a) Reduces system administration of /etc/filesystems file particularly if NIS maps are used
b) No pre-mounting of directories not currently needed thus reducing possibility of client hang due to down server
c) Distributes client workload for NFS read-only file systems
d) Provides method for single-system image for clients

Q.18. How to copy a LV ?

Ans. # cplv [ -v VolumeGroup ] [ -y NewLogicalVolume ] SourceLogicalVolume

Q.19. How to see the active VG ?

Ans. $ vg –o

Q.20. How to see the all the LVs in all active VGs ?

Ans. $  lsvg -o | lsvg -i –l

Q.21. Where the System Log files are located ?
Ans. /var/adm/ras

Q.22. How to see the paging space ?

Ans. $ lsps -a

Q.23. How to see the System Dump Space ?
Ans.  $  sysdumpdev -l

-l Lists the current value of the primary and secondary dump devices, copy directory, and forcecopy attribute.
Q.24. How to see memory activity ?

Ans.   Using "sar", "vmstat"

Q.25. How to install software ?
Ans. #  installp –a –Q –d <device> -f ‘all latest’

-a Applies one or more software products or updates.
-d Device Specifies where the installation media can be found.
-f ListFile Reads the names of the software products from ListFile.

Q.26. "no" command options especially 'thewall' parameter.
Ans. Network option  Configures network attributes.

no { -a | -d Attribute | -o Attribute [ =NewValue ] }

thewall Specifies the maximum amount of memory, in kilobytes, that is allocated to the memory pool. In AIX 4.2.1 and earlier, the default value is 1/8 of real memory or 65536 (64 megabytes), whichever is smaller. In AIX 4.3, the default value is 1/8 of real memory or 131072 (128 megabytes), whichever is smaller. In AIX 4.3.1, the default value is 1/2 of real memory or 131072 (128 megabytes), whichever is smaller. In AIX 4.3.2 and later, the default value depends on whether you are running on a CHRP machine or not. For non-CHRP machines, the default value is 1/2 of real memory or 262144 (256 megabytes), whichever is smaller. For CHRP machines, the default value is 1/2 of real memory or 1048576 (1 gigabyte). thewall is a runtime attribute.

Q.27. ODM - where it resides, how to modify,list,etc.,

Ans. ODM resides in /etc/objrepos , /usr/lib/objrepos and /usr/share/lib/objrepos.

To modify ODM use the following sequence :
# odmget  -q"uniquetype=tape/scsi/8mm and attribute=block_size" PdAt > file
# vi file  edit the corresponding attribute.
# odmdelete -o PdAt -q"uniquetype=tape/scsi/8mm and attribute=block_size"
# odmadd file

To list contents of ODM use lsdev command.
Q.28. File systems - nbpi, etc., read the theory.

Ans. nbpi – number of bytes per inode.

This feature of filesystem is used when fragmentation of files are set. If a filesystem contains small files , then it is advantageous to keep the fragment size small , so that space is not wasted. Normally there is one inode created for every possible file in a filesystem. However in actual practice the number of inodes required are quite less. Therefore to save on space allocated for inodes , we specify the nbpi value.
 Q.29. What is SPOT?  Or  Explain SPOT ? Is it part of NIM ?

Ans. The SPOT contains the directory structure for an installed /usr file system. It also contains subdirectories for the "root" parts of installed filesets. Since the SPOT contains both usr and root files, software maintenance must be performed on the SPOT in order to update the software that is running on the clients. Such actions must be performed using the NIM cust and maint operations.
Spot is used by the client during NIM install or boot.  The following operations are performed to manage the software for diskless and dataless clients:

1. The /usr files are installed in the SPOT. These files are automatically seen by all the clients that mount the SPOT as their    /usr file systems.
2. The root files are installed in special subdirectories in the SPOT.
3. After all the filesets have been installed in the SPOT, the root files are copied to the directories of any diskless or  dataless clients that have been initialized with the SPOT

 Q.30 How to replace an ssa disk ?  ( Refer Problem solving guide-redbook)

 Q.31. How to configure raid 5 and hot spare

Q.32. How do I setup anonymous ftp on my AIX system?

Ans. /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/anon.ftp  It is a shell script and will set up a anonymous ftp site on your local RS/6000.

Q.33 How can I share files/printers with Windows 95?

Ans. The freeware solution is Samba .Commercial solutions include Fusion95 from Performance Technology

Q.34. How do I shrink /usr?

Ans. 1) Remove any unneeded files from /usr.

2) Make sure all filesystems in the root volume group are mounted. If not, they will not be included in the re-installed system.

  3) Type mkszfile. This will create / that contains a list of  the active filesystems in the root volume group that will be included in the installation procedure.

  4) Edit / Change the size of /usr to what you want.

           IMPORTANT: Make sure that you DO NOT enter a value which is less than the size of the filesystem required to contain the current data. Doing so will cause the re-installation procedure to fail.

  5) chdev -l rmt0 -a block=512 -T

6) Unmount all filesystems that are NOT in the root volume group.

  7) Varyoff all user-defined volume groups, if any

        # varyoffvg VGname

          8) Export the user-defined volume groups, if any

        # exportvg VGname

  9) With a tape in the tape drive, type

      # mksysb /dev/rmt0

     This will do a complete system backup, which will include information (in the / file) for the installation procedure on how large the filesystems are to be created.

  10) Install the backup .

  11) When the installation is complete, you may then import any user-defined volume groups.

        # importvg -y VGname PVname

     where "VGname" is the name of the volume group, and "PVname" is  the name of any one of the physical volumes in the volume group.

  12) Varyon your user-defined volume groups

        # varyonvg VGname

 The reduction of the filesystems is now complete.

Q.35 What is LVCB ?

Ans. The logical volume control block (lvcb) is the first 512 bytes of a logical volume.  This area holds important information such as the creation date of the logical volume,
information about mirrored copies, and possible mount points in a journaled filesystem.

Q.36. What is the limit on Physical Partitions Per Volume Group?
Ans. 1016 Physical Partitions Per Disk in a Volume Group
In most cases, not all the possible 1016 tracking partitions are used by a disk.
The default size of each Physical Partition during a "mkvg" command is 4 MB, which implies that individual disks up to 4 GB can be included into a volume group.

     If a disk larger than 4 GB is added to a volume group (based on usage of the default 4 MB size for Physical Partition) the disk addition will fail with a warning message that the Physical Partition size needs to be increased.*  There are two instances where this limitation will be enforced.  The first case is when the user tries to use "mkvg" to create a volume group where the number of physical partitions on one of the disks in
the volume group would exceed 1016.  In this case, the user must pick from the available Physical Partition ranges of:

1, 2, (4), 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 or 1024

Megabytes and use the "-s" option to "mkvg".  The second case is where the disk which violates the 1016 limitation is attempting to join a pre-existing volume group with
the "extendvg" command.  The user can either recreate the volume group with a larger Physical Partition size (which will allow the new disk to work with the 1016 limitation)
or the user can create a standalone volume group (consisting of a larger Physical Partition size) for the new disk.

Q.37. Why am I having trouble adding another disk to my VG?

Ans. a.) Not enough space left in the volume group descriptor area.(VGDA)
b.) Volume group can have a maximum of 32 disks in a volume group. ( 128 for big VG)

Q 38. What are the limits on a file, filesystem?

File    jfs-Filesystem
3.2.5 2 GB      2 GB
4.1.x 2 GB      1 TB
4.2 64GB      1 TB
4.3 64 GB      1 TB
5.x 1 Tb      4 PT

Q.39 How do I fix Volume Group Locked?

Ans. Use
# (putlvodm -K `getlvodm -v <vgname>`)

Q.40. How do I remove a volume group with no disks?

Ans. # exportvg <vgname>

Q.41 How do I get rid of a disk that is no longer really in the volume group?
Ans. # reducevg -d -f <vgname> <hdname>

or if the hdname can't be found:

            # reducevg -d -f <vgname> <PVID>

Q.42 What are the theoritical limits within the LVM?

Ans. The system may have 1 to 255 Volumes Groups (VG's).
  Each VG may contain 1 to 32 Physical Volumes (PV's).
  Each PV may contain upto 1016 Physical Partitions (PP's).
  Each PP may have a size (square of 2) from 1 to 256MB (1024MB for AIX 4.3).

The filesystem and file limits are :

File    jfs-Filesystem
3.2.5 2 GB      2 GB
4.1.x 2 GB      1 TB
4.2 64GB      1 TB
4.3 64 GB      1 TB
5.x 1 Tb      4 PT
Q.43. How do I control how hostnames are resolved?

Ans. The default order can be overwritten by creating the configuration file, /etc/netsvc.conf and specifying the desired order. Both the default and /etc/netsvc.conf can be overwritten with the environment variable, NSORDER.

Q.44 dtlogin ignores .profile?

Ans. Edit .dtprofile and remove # from the last line containing DTSOURCEPROFILE=true.
Q.45. How do I transfer files between AIX and DOS disks?

Ans. Install the AIX package bos.dosutils which has commands for transferring files between DOS diskettes and AIX. The commands are dosread, doswrite, dosdir, dosdel,
and dosformat.

Q.46. How do I determine the clock frequency of a RS/6000 by software ?

Ans. There is no way to find out the clock frequency with a piece of software

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